Monday, January 3


(If you are not a Fan of Diana Carver Photography on FB click here. This is where you'll hear about promotions, contests, and stay up to date with my newest sessions!)

I'm still very much in the spirit of giving and since many people just got engaged I thought it would be fun to do a WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT PHOTOGRAPHY SESSION GIVEAWAY! That’s right, I will be giving away an entire wedding and engagement photo session completely free to one very lucky couple in 2011. So if you recently got engaged then you could WIN this opportunity to have your entire wedding photographed by me for FREE!

So are you interested? Here's how we are going to setup the contest...

1. Email me at a favorite picture of you and your fiancé, with your names, wedding date, wedding location (if you don't have one yet then the city), your love story and why you should be picked. (Deadline is Jan. 17th at midnight)
2. I will then look through the pictures and stories submitted and select my favorite top 5.
3. I will post your picture and love story on my blog and post the same pictures on my Facebook Fan Page Voting will begin Jan 19th.
4. Your friends, friends of friends, and all my fans will have the opportunity to vote for your picture and they can read your story on my blog.
5. The couple with the most votes will get a FREE wedding and engagement photographed by me. The runner up couple will receive a free engagement session photographed by me.
6. Winners will be announced January 31st.

1. ONE entry per couple
2. Photos taken by professional photographers will not be accepted.
3. Wedding has to take place within AZ and by Aug 31, 2011.
4. Join my Facebook Fan Page
5.Tell your friends about it... Facebook, Twitter, blog or any other media. Post the link to your post on my blog comment area so that I may confirm it.
6. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, etc. to join my Facebook fan page and then VOTE for their favorite picture (i.e. YOURS!)
7. The winner will be announced based upon the total number of “likes” for each entered image. Votes are counted as “likes” on each individual image/entry. Note: in order to “like” a photo a person must be a fan of my Facebook fan page.
8. If you are selected as a winner you will need to sign a model release.

*The winner will receive their wedding photographed by me, a high resolution fully edited pictures on a CD with all the pictures from their wedding, and a print release all absolutely FREE!. (does not include optional products such as prints, canvases, albums, etc. which may be purchased separately).

EDIT: If you miss the deadline please stay tune! Fan my FB page to find out about up coming promotion!!! (hint, hint)


Lori said...

Oh, I wish your cut off wasn't August 31st. =( I miss it by two months!

Unknown said...

Us as well :(. Could we swap for engagement and Trash the Dress photos?? Our wedding may be in the Bahamas, so couldn't do it for that reason too :(

© Diana Carver Photography