Monday, August 9

What to Wear - Phoenix, AZ Photographer

Deciding what to wear on any giving day can sometimes be hard, but trying to decide what your whole family should wear for a photo session can be exhausting! There are so many things to think about, to match or not match, colors, style on and on. Then, multiply it by the number of family members in your family. I often get asked what should my clients wear to a session. My response is wear color :) and don't forget to layer. You can do that by adding some accessories to a very simple outfit. Women can add a belt, scarf, jewelry, hats, sunglasses, jacket, sweater, vest, etc. Men can add sunglasses, belt, a tie, vest, jacket, watch, hat, etc. Have fun with it, be yourselves! Here are some examples...

Picture by Inspire Me Baby


© Diana Carver Photography